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Because Jack Ma is on fire in a word! Is sea buckthorn juice really promising?

2019-01-23 20:02

Source | Shennon Island

Introduction: Recommended by Jack Ma, overnight everyone is talking about "sea buckthorn juice", the industry end stupid move, and in the market side of the sea buckthorn this small variety of fruit juice really has a future? Where is the right branding and marketing approach?

The sea buckthorn juice is really on fire this time.

More than 400 days ago, Alibaba set up a fund to fight poverty, with a registered capital of 10 billion yuan. On January 10, 2019, at Alibaba's Anti-Poverty Conference held at Hebei Normal University, the "MA sea buckthorn" sea buckthorn juice with Ma Yun's surname was officially unveiled as a product of the anti-poverty project.


At the anti-poverty conference, Ma Yun and Ant Financial Services Chairman Jing Xiandong spared no effort to give the "MA sea buckthorn" platform. This bottle of sea buckthorn drink, from sowing seeds to making drinks, is in fact the microcosm of Alibaba's technology out of poverty.

The sea buckthorn tree used to make "MA sea buckthorn" came from the first eco-economic forest on the ant forest. On November 19, 2018, 3.14 million netizens claimed 235,000 mu of sea buckthorn forest through Ant Forest, which will be planted in Inner Mongolia in the spring of 2019. Another 300,000 were exchanged in one minute at the tech anti-poverty conference site. The sea buckthorn forest is expected to allow more than 30 percent of the local poor households to become growers, and the production of "MA sea buckthorn" sea buckthorn juice will be sold online and offline, with some of the proceeds going first to feed local eco-afforestation and poor households.

Once seemingly humble small sea buckthorn, through the way of science and technology, once again attracted the world's attention, in the realization of environmental protection and economic win-win situation has become a powerful pusher.

Why is sea buckthorn juice slow to catch fire?


It can be said that Jack Ma let more people know about sea buckthorn. Why was there so little known about sea buckthorn before?

Several reasons have been analyzed:

First, because of geographical restrictions, sea buckthorn is mainly distributed in the northwest arid, semi-arid places, growing areas of inconvenient transportation, economic underdevelopment, limited development capacity;

Second, because the sea buckthorn berries are small and soft, there is no small loss in picking and transportation, at the same time, the output season limits the production of sea buckthorn, resulting in an imbalance in supply;

Third, ripe sea buckthorn fruit in fact taste not sweet, but very sour, the market of sea buckthorn juice are flavored, because the taste of acid is not easy to be accepted by the public consumer;

Fourth, the lack of brand and packaging, sea buckthorn visibility is not high, only local enterprises to produce sea buckthorn juice, no first-line beverage enterprises are willing to get involved, only some regional brands in their own "one acre of three points", industry development is not far ahead.

The prospect of "net red" sea buckthorn juice is promising

Alibaba's new sea buckthorn forest, Jack Ma for the sea buckthorn active platform, for consumers to advance market education, sea buckthorn has become hot.

In addition, sea buckthorn not only has the role of wind-proof sand, water and soil, but also has a high nutritional value, beauty value, medicinal value, can be called the "King of ViC." With the "health" in the future beverage consumption more and more attention, the economic value of sea buckthorn juice, further amplified.

It is reported that "MA sea buckthorn" by the Inner Mongolia Aerospace Man High Technology Industry Co., Ltd. for the ant forest custom-made. Founded in 1988, the company is a sea buckthorn comprehensive use of the entire industrial chain of leading enterprises, has undertaken to complete more than 70 local and national Spark project, science and technology projects, national key projects, its own astronaut V9 sea buckthorn drink series. Alibaba and Jack Ma's big move is expected to drive more enterprises to join the sea buckthorn juice industry, related local support policies, industry standards, logistics construction, etc. will be rapidly improved.


Is there a market prospect for small varieties of fruit juices with sea buckthorn as the main raw material? Where is the right branding and marketing approach?

First, small varieties of fruit to become large varieties of fruit, small varieties of fruit juice can become large varieties of fruit juice


Like the evolution of nature, the growth of categories has its own laws, are from small to large process. For the new things people always lack understanding, so it is difficult to establish a sense of trust and security, it is difficult to accept, to popularize it has to go through a long process, it can be said that the development of categories, time can not cross the gap.

Herbal tea has a history of more than 170 years, but it has been a household name throughout the country for nearly a decade. Oranges, apples, lemons and other huge production, has long been people's daily consumption of the mainstream fruit. Large varieties of fruit awareness is high, making fruit juice is naturally easy to accept. Coupled with nearly two decades huiyuan, Master Kang, unity, Wahaha and other major brands of strong publicity and fierce competition, has firmly occupied the mouth and table of consumers.

Sea buckthorn this small variety of fruit juice to become a large variety of fruit juice, the market supply must come up, so that small varieties of fruit gradually become like oranges, apples, pears, such as consumer life of ordinary bulk fruit, let it occupy the daily life of consumers, the formation of consumption habits. The day when small varieties of fruit become large varieties of fruit, it is the time when small varieties of fruit juice become large varieties of fruit juice. And this, just need some time, but also from planting, sales to brand promotion of the entire industrial chain of people's joint efforts.

Second, to function but not health care quality

Sea buckthorn has a high economic value and nutritional value, can be called the "King of ViC." In the "healthy" drinks are more and more attention today, the innate advantages of sea buckthorn juice has plenty of room to dig, but to make health care products, or want to make health drinks, are beautiful traps.

In fact, health products and drinks are different needs. As a health care product, mainly to strengthen the body, and even cure conditioning. In the consumption of health care products, the focus on rationality and prudence, not casual, the purpose is relatively strong, so sales are greatly limited.

As a drink, thirst quenching is the most basic attribute, there is a pleasant taste and anytime, anywhere consumption of randomness will have a broad market. Overemphasizing the efficacy of health care invisibly makes the drink slide to a point of "drug" taste of health care products, which is undoubtedly to abandon the public and the pursuit of a particularly narrow niche, can not maximize the value of the category.

The right thing to do is to set all the marketing base and tone on top of fast-food drinks and talk about functionality on that basis. For example, Red Bull energy drinks, Wang Laoji herbal tea (the drink to prevent fire), the tipping point is not to let the drink into a health care product. There needs to be accuracy, there needs to be art.

Third, make the skit category big Wang Laoji inspiration


Although the growth of a category is not radical, the healthy growth of a category is closely related to the promotion of enterprises. Herbal tea is typical of this.

Wang Laoji has long been sold in Guangdong and southern Zhejiang, has been hovering around 100 million, and herbal tea as a local characteristic of Guangdong medicine, it is difficult to be widely accepted by people outside the two regions. To this end, Wang Laoji that year repositioned herbal tea as a "fire prevention" drink, and eventually went to the country, defeating Coca-Cola to become the country's best-selling canned beverage. Wang Laoji such a small variety of tea can have today's brilliant results, its course to give such some inspiration:

Focus on one feature. Wang Laoji has a lot of functions, only publicity to prevent fire.

Cultivate the population at the source point. Starting with the commercial catering crowd, they often eat hot pot, hot and fried food, easy to catch fire.

Starts at the source point area. Guangdong in herbal tea is a mental resource advantage, so first of all in this region to succeed.

Finally, it should be pointed out that the brand is built in the mind, so to build the brand first let the brand into the mind, which requires enterprises must decisively abandon, concentrate all resources, from focusing on a characteristic, a specific group of people, a certain channel, a region, because any category, from non-mainstream to mainstream takes a long time.

Disclaimer: This opinion only represents the author himself, if there is any infringement involved, please contact delete.

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